The Crisis Centre of BC is a leader in crisis intervention and suicide prevention. And as such, we receive many requests from students who are involved in research projects as part of their studies.
Given our work and the demand for our services and programs, we are not able to respond to all student requests. However, much of the information you are most likely needing can be found on our website, in our reports (available online), and through resources such as the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, the American Association of Suicidology, and Statistics Canada.
If an interview is required, please ensure you have given us at least two weeks’ notice before the deadline and that you have exhausted all other resources.
If you are preparing for an interview with us, we also ask that research and outlines be prepared in advance prior to an interview and that you bring a copy of the assignment from your instructor/professor.
Please ensure you have reviewed our website ( thoroughly. This will provide you with information regarding our programs and services, facts and statistics, and resources.
Student projects should include:
- An educational component describing the warning signs for suicide and where to go for help (counselling services, a crisis line, mental health services)
- Relevant and informative research that provides an accurate description of our programs and services, facts and statistics on suicide and suicide prevention/awareness, etc.
Student Projects Contact:
communications [at] crisiscentre [dot] bc [dot] ca