Event Invite: Diverse Client Voices. Help make crisis services safer for BC’s diverse communities
BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services (BCMHSUS) is leading the Crisis Line Enhancement Project – an initiative focused on enhancing the quality, consistency and capacity of crisis line services across BC. The aim is to provide a provincial crisis line service that is anti-racist, non-discriminatory, culturally safe, and supportive of peoples from all backgrounds – regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, migrant status, beliefs or disabilities.
BCMHSUS, in collaboration with the BC Crisis Lines, Trans Care BC and PHSA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team – will be hosting a ‘Diverse Client Voices’ dialogue event on June 19th, 2024.
The aim of the event is to bring together crisis line responders and patient / family partners with:
- lived experiences of mental health challenges
- and / or previous histories of using crisis line services
to identify ways to make the service safer and more accessible for all of BC’s diverse communities.
For this event, we are curious about how we can enhance the crisis line service to support community members who identify as:
- Indigenous, Black or a Person of Colour (IBPOC)
- Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and additional sexual orientations and gender identities (2SLGBTQQIA+)
If you are interested in participating in the event, please reach out to: clep@phsa.ca by Friday June 14th 2024.
Thank you!