Introducing Mindflip – an Innovative Mental Health Program for Youth
Posted February 1st, 2023 by Lina Moskaleva & Stephanie Quon
Skills and knowledge are the superpowers we need to help us tackle any of life’s challenges. The Crisis Centre of BC is helping to ensure all youth have access to the mental health knowledge and tools necessary for them to be well and stay well by launching MindFlip: Brain Science Tools for Everyday Living. This free, online program provides youth with information and tools to learn how to manage difficult emotions by developing our ability to respond mindfully in challenging situations.
For the past eight years, the Crisis Centre of BC has offered an in-person program that provided young people with tools for managing life’s ups and downs. Feedback for these programs was exceptionally positive, though the programs themselves were limited in geographical reach and capacity due to challenges in scheduling. This inspired the creation of MindFlip: Brain Science Tools for Everyday Living, a learning program developed by youth for youth that could be available to schools and youth throughout the province.
Lu Ripley, Director of the Centre’s Community Learning and Engagement team, says that the program “shares practical tools and information with young people in a way that is digestible, easy to access, and relatable.”
MindFlip is a self-paced, youth-friendly online program with four core modules. Geared towards youth in late elementary and secondary school, topics include brain science and skills for mental fitness, emotional regulation and awareness of our thoughts and emotions, self-awareness and self-compassion, and mindful tools to deal with stress and life challenges.
Available free of charge, each of the four modules can be taken in full or bite-size portions, facilitated by an adult or taken independently, and the content can be revised at learners’ convenience. Sessions utilize videos, interactive content, and guided practices.
Youth were integral in the development of the modules from start to finish. Five youths were consulted on information to include in the program and the look and feel of the modules. In the program itself, interviews with youth are included to feature their voices, opinions and experiences. Engaged throughout the entire process, youth were also involved in filming the modules and writing the scripts. “I really liked being part of developing MindFlip – filming, branding and developing something that I think is really useful for youth.” says Quinn, one of the youth involved in the development.
One West Vancouver school reviewed the program recently and reported the benefits and ease of use. “Our class is LOVING MindFlip. I am doing it during snack time in little pieces….very meaningful and lots of places to pause and talk and absorb.” Teacher, West Vancouver School District
In the future, MindFlip will be offered as a free resource for schools. “The first rollout of the program will be to schools, through teachers and school counsellors,” shares Ripley. “Our goal is to provide a flexible and practical program that is relatable to young people. Based on feedback from schools and youth, we aim to build and grow the program.”
School staff, parents, or youth who are interested in taking the MindFlip program, can request it by filling out this form.
If you or someone you know is aware of an agency or school that would benefit from MindFlip, please reach out to the Crisis Centre to see how this program can be utilized to build capacity within your school or organization by emailing info@crisiscentre.bc.ca.
If you or someone you know is in crisis, please reach out:
- Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789 (no area code required)
- Anywhere in BC 1-800-SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433