Together We Give Hope

Host a Birthday Fundraiser

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Use your birthday as an opportunity to create the positive change you want to see in the world. Celebrate it by spreading joy locally or globally with a donation to your favourite charity—the choice is up to you. We recommend considering the  Crisis Centre of BC! (Though we are a little biased.)

What is a birthday fundraiser? 

A birthday fundraiser is a great way for you to give to a charity or cause you are passionate about on your special day. You can have friends and family make donations easily with the help of tools like CanadaHelps.

How to ask for donations instead of birthday gifts

If it is your first time fundraising for your birthday, you might be unsure of how to set up a birthday fundraiser. You may even feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed at the idea of asking friends and family for a donation. 

We suggest you explore the fundraising options available on CanadaHelps’ website. For us at the Centre, using CanadaHelps allows us to streamline our fundraising efforts and decrease administrative costs.

Not sure what to say?

When writing your email, the easiest thing to say to your friends and family is “why” you chose to donate to the agency you picked. For example:

“I have set-up a birthday fundraiser this year in support of the Crisis Centre of BC. Helping individuals when they need it the most—especially when it comes to mental health and suicide—is important to me. Show you care by making a donation to my birthday fundraiser.”

Creative birthday fundraising ideas  

Looking for a unique way to celebrate your birthday? Check out these other birthday fundraising ideas:

Party with a purpose 

Add a charitable twist to your birthday party by organizing games or competitions where friends can donate to join in. The winner gets to choose the charity supported with the funds raised. You can easily do this online or create a fun virtual party.

Give based on your astrological or zodiac sign 

If you love interpreting the stars and their meaning, giving based on your astrological or zodiac sign could be a fun way to choose your cause. Year of the Dog? Find an animal wellness cause to give to. Were you born as a water sign? Create change in the environmental sector.

Create a social media challenge

Ask your friends and family to upload a video of themselves that represents the cause you care about. Challenge those you follow on social media to participate in a fun and safe activity or donate to your cause or Giving Group. Ice bucket challenge, anyone?

Fundraise your age

If you’re looking for an ambitious fundraising target, why not try and fundraise an amount to match your age? Turning 30? Set out to raise $3,000 for a cause you care about!