MEDIA RELEASE: Crisis Centre of BC Welcomes National Suicide Prevention Action Plan

4th June, 2024

PDF: Crisis Centre of BC Welcomes National Suicide Prevention Action Plan

The Crisis Centre of BC applauds the announcement of the country’s first National Suicide Prevention Action Plan. This plan is a critical step forward in strengthening Canada’s response to suicide and improving crisis care.

“Suicide prevention is one part mental health services and three parts effective means prevention, a robust social safety net, and access to education and financial stability,” says Stacy Ashton, Executive Director of the Crisis Centre of BC. “This plan recognizes the importance of a comprehensive approach that includes improved data collection, better access to mental health supports and services, and investment in the social determinants of health.”

The Action Plan comes six months after the launch of Canada’s national 9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline, and follows additional mental health investments announced in Budget 2024, including the Youth Mental Health Fund.

The Crisis Centre of BC looks forward to working with the government and other stakeholders in implementing this plan and ensuring these vital resources are effectively utilized.

About the Crisis Centre of BC

The Crisis Centre of BC is a leading provider of crisis intervention and suicide prevention services in British Columbia. The Centre operates 24/7 crisis lines offering barrier-free, non-judgemental, confidential support and follow-up, as well as education and training programs that promote mental wellness and equip schools, organizations and communities to assist people at risk of suicide.

310-6789 (no area code needed)
BC Mental Health Support Line

1-800-SUICIDE / 1-800-784-2433
BC Suicide Prevention and Intervention Line

National Suicide Crisis Helpline / Ligne d’aide en cas de crise de suicide

Media Requests

Jeffrey Preiss
Director, Development & Communications

Stacy Ashton
Executive Director, Crisis Centre of BC
Chair, BC Crisis Line Network

Building capacity for suicide intervention in post-secondary institutions

Our Community Learning and Engagement programs foster resilience and hope, and build capacity in individuals, organizations and communities. Partnering with post-secondary institutions is a growing part of what we do, and represents a powerful opportunity to intervene and make a real difference in the lives of students, faculty and their networks. 

Students in post-secondary institutions can face myriad challenges: the pressure of deadlines, social dynamics, financial issues – further exacerbated by being in a new and unfamiliar environment away from home. Challenges can be amplified for international students and newcomers who may be isolated and missing home.

In early 2022, we connected with University Canada West, which was facing low utilization of support services, despite a growing international student population and increasing staff workload.

Before our intervention:

  • Staff turnover was high (80%). Staff felt overwhelmed and unequipped to manage student mental health concerns, including suicide ideation and crisis situations.
  • Staff lacked confidence in discussing challenges with students and creating safety plans.

Partnering with UCW, our Community Learning and Engagement team set out to develop a comprehensive training program, focused on building staff and students’ resiliency and increasing their capacity to support each other. 

The partnership initially aimed to address the issue that staff were acting as “paraprofessionals”, providing mental health support but without the training they needed to do so effectively. Staff retention was low as they struggled to do the work they had been hired to do while also supporting students who were experiencing increasing stress and mental health crises. 

We focused on building psychological safety as a first principle in our approach. As the partnership moved into its second year, we tailored its content to address recognizing early signs of burnout and taking preventive steps to stop it from occurring. 

We have since developed service pillars to indicate various steps that students and staff are encouraged to take on their journey to become more proficient in taking care of their psychological health. We have fostered stronger support networks, created more psychological safety for students and staff, and strengthened their skill sets for crisis and suicide prevention work, allowing them to offer better support to each other.

Moving towards these early interventions and preventative approaches, we have seen staff retention increase from 20% to 80%. Staff feel better equipped to respond to their students’ needs and support them in creating safety plans and managing their mental health.

This partnership is a success story that continues to develop, based on the data and feedback we collect and the needs of those working at UCW. It is not difficult to imagine that these positive results went beyond those who took the training, extending to the external community of those who interact with the staff and students of UCW. By training students and staff to recognize the signs of burnout and mental health crises in themselves and others, we are creating an environment where everyone can feel more supported.

Walking with our Grief: Finding Support Through Nature at Darkness Into Light

Posted April 24th, 2024

By: Oliver Lum

Grief takes all different forms, and the grief journey is just as unique. Within that journey, there is always a community of people who can offer compassion and support.

Losing someone to suicide is complex, challenging, and individual. With the complexity of grief, support is different for each person. People worldwide gather to walk and watch the sunrise in the annual Darkness into Light walk each year.

Darkness into Light brings together people to honour those we have lost to suicide and show support for anyone struggling right now.

Corry Chaplin, a former staff member of the Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC and participant in the Darkness into Light walk, has seen firsthand how valuable these walks can be and how the symbolism they represent can be therapeutic.

“Walking in nature is important for me because grief is this wild, unpredictable journey. And it’s such an intense journey, especially suicide loss, that the only container that can hold it for me is nature. It’s almost like walking with our grief,” said Chaplin.

Loss is often accompanied by fear, and it takes time to move through the grief process. While attending a community event like this may initially feel scary, Chaplin invites others not to let fear stop them.

“I would say to honour the fear because any event or situation related to suicide loss can be challenging. Honour that and explore how it might feel to try it anyway. Those attending will find it a very safe space where you can be yourself. There’s a comfort in this type of community because we’re up against a lot in a society that can’t handle our grief,” said Chaplin.

Support is essential when experiencing grief, yet it is up to the griever to determine what will be most helpful for them. These walks are unique in that they provide an opportunity to connect with the nourishing aspects of nature while being in a community of shared experiences and collective support.

Chaplin is trained as a mindfulness teacher and grief educator and believes that those who attempt to support suicide loss survivors are well-intentioned but often fall short.

“There are a lot of old, outdated grief models, and research has shown that they’re not helpful. People want to support others in grief but often don’t know what to do or say unless they’ve been in a similar situation. Our society needs more education, more suicide loss support, and less stigma. The work of the walk is contributing to all of that,” she said.

Join the community and the Crisis Centre at the walk on May 11th,2024, at the Burnaby Rugby Club starting at 4:15 AM.

More details can be found on their website.

If you, or someone you know, is having thoughts of suicide or experiencing a mental health crisis, reach out:

National Suicide Crisis Helpline / Ligne d’aide en cas de crise de suicide

310-6789 (no area code needed)
BC Mental Health Support Line

1-800-SUICIDE / 1-800-784-2433
BC Suicide Prevention and Intervention Line

9-8-8 and the Crisis Centre of BC

Posted November 30th, 2023

Suicide affects people of all ages and backgrounds. An average of 4,500 people across Canada die by suicide each year – approximately 12 people per day.

9-8-8 is a new three-digit, national mental health crisis and suicide prevention helpline that provides urgent, live support by phone and text to people in every province and territory across the country.

The Crisis Centre of BC and 40+ other local crisis centres across Canada are partners in answering 9-8-8. The new service is available in English and French, 24/7, every day of the year.

Further information about 9-8-8 can be found online

Support for British Columbians

National Suicide Crisis Helpline / Ligne d’aide en cas de crise de suicide

310-6789 (no area code needed)
BC Mental Health Support Line

1-800-SUICIDE / 1-800-784-2433
BC Suicide Prevention and Intervention Line

About the Crisis Centre of BC

The Crisis Centre of BC is dedicated to providing help and hope to individuals, organizations, and communities.

Spanning the spectrum of crisis support, suicide prevention, and postvention, we engage staff and volunteers in various services and programs that educate, train, and support the strength and capacity of individuals and communities.

We offer:

  • Immediate access to barrier-free, non-judgemental, confidential support and follow-up through 24/7 phone lines and online services.
  • Education and training programs that promote mental wellness and equip schools, organizations and communities to assist people at risk of suicide.

Further information about the Crisis Centre of BC can be found online

Media Requests

Jeffrey Preiss
Director, Development & Communications

Stacy Ashton
Executive Director, Crisis Centre of BC
Chair, BC Crisis Line Network

Crisis Centre’s International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day Event Offers Healing in Community

Posted November 1st, 2023 by Lina Moskaleva and Stephanie Quon

Going through grief takes a village. Unfortunately, essential community support isn’t always available to those grieving someone lost to suicide. The Crisis Centre of BC continues its work in building community for suicide loss survivors during this year’s International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day on Saturday, November 18th. The Centre, in collaboration with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, will be hosting an online event in which survivors of suicide loss come together to find connection, understanding, and hope through their shared experiences.

“When people are impacted by suicide, one of the main responses is isolation. This is because there is a component of stigma to suicide, and therefore, people often do not feel understood,” says Jessica Wolf, Bereavement Coordinator at the Crisis Centre. “Giving people an opportunity to meet with others with the same life experience offers a sense of belonging and sameness and a chance to build a community of people impacted by suicide loss.”

The event will consist of two parts: an educational piece and a space to share. The “Coming Back to Ourselves” presentation will explore orienting ourselves after loss and methods for finding gentleness for our communities and ourselves. The event will also give space for facilitated circles where participants can connect with others who have similar life experiences.

A goal of this event is to build community and social support for people who have experienced suicide loss. Community is important because it provides the feeling of not being alone and helps to normalize difficult feelings. At the event, participants are encouraged to talk openly and share with others what their grief is about, what has been helpful, and what has been challenging. 

“We recognize that there can be hesitation with attending this type of event, as people may be raw in their grief and suicide loss can be traumatic,” says Wolf Ortiz. “We make sure we create a safe space and follow guidelines to ensure people feel safe, connected, and welcome as they are.” One of the ways the facilitators ensure this is by making participation voluntary; participants are invited to share as much or as little as they want.


This will be the third year that the Crisis Centre is hosting this event, and the event has received positive feedback in the past.

“Every event we host, we ask people what their takeaways are and invite people to share,” reflects Wolf Ortiz. “It’s really beautiful to see our chat fill up with comments mentioning things like community, compassion, and belonging.”

Join a compassionate community of individuals to find healing in community on November 18th, 2023 for International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. Registration is available here.


Please email if you have any questions about the event.

Prevention Through Partnership: The Ɫokʷimas – You Are Strong Workshop on Indigenous Suicide Prevention

Posted October 31st, 2023 by Lina Moskaleva and Taja de Silva

Who we are and where we come from affects our understanding of suicide. This means that effective suicide prevention efforts cannot be one-size-fits-all. To combat the ongoing epidemic of suicide in Indigenous communities across Canada, we must have the knowledge and skills to provide culturally appropriate support, especially those of us who work in helping professions.

The Crisis Center of BC has recently partnered with N’alag̱a Consulting to offer a three-hour online workshop called “ɫokʷimas – You are Strong: Indigenous Suicide Prevention“. This workshop provides an understanding of suicide through an Indigenous social justice lens, and leaves participants with suicide prevention and life promotion tools to help address the epidemic of suicidality in Indigenous communities. Participants will acquire the knowledge to:

  1. provide enhanced support for Indigenous people who are navigating the spirit of suicide;
  2. utilize cultural practices for addressing trauma among those living with the spirit of suicide;
  3. explore the power of healing through land, culture, breath, and our physical bodies to promote wellness and self-regulation;
  4. build a community of folks who are not only passionate but also willing to engage in discussions about resisting the spirit of suicide.

Workshop participants will not only learn how to talk to someone who might be having thoughts of suicide, but how to create a space where people can be authentic about their experience. This approach comes from N’alag̱a Consulting’s broader suicide prevention program, which was conceptualized as a way to work with Indigenous people and youth who are living with the spirit of suicide in their own communities. Our partnership with N’alag̱a Consulting brings ɫokʷimas to a non-Indigenous audience for the first time. 

All of the spots for the workshop were already full almost a month in advance; “The need is there,” says Lu Ripley, Director of the Centre’s Community Learning & Engagement, whose partnership with Avis O’Brien of N’alag̱a Consulting brought the workshop to fruition. 

N’alag̱a / Kaaw Kuuna – Avis O’Brien is a multi-talented Haida/Kwakwa̱ka’wakw weaver, teacher, singer, dancer, and land-based cultural empowerment facilitator through N’alag̱a Consulting. 

“We often look at colonization as something that happened 200 years ago and now it’s over, but it’s very much alive and present,” says O’Brien. “When someone feels like ending their life and they’re carrying the burdens of ongoing colonization – that’s a really normal human response to what our people are faced with.” This means that suicide prevention also needs to be systemic if it is to effectively address the trauma caused by the systems that are founded on colonial principles.

O’Brien sees this work as vital to the larger project of preventing suicide and promoting life in Indigenous communities. “Suicide prevention is so broad,” says O’Brien pointing out that the currently predominant Western clinical approach to mental health services needs to be incorporated with other approaches and treated as a piece of a larger prevention strategy. O’Brien hopes that the workshop will “plant the seed of the importance of bringing in land-based and culturally rooted ways of resisting the spirit of suicide and healing” emphasizing that this is “what is really going to heal our people.” 

Ripley and O’Brien first connected through their work with the First Nations Health Authority in 2021 and the two kept in touch over the years. When asked about what led O’Brien to partner with the Centre, O’Brien pointed to her relationship with Ripley and their shared recognition of the potential value an Indigenous-led training on suicide could bring to our service.


“The role of culture is huge for all of us” says Ripley. Her hope for this training is that it creates more opportunities to “learn from each other and value each other’s knowledge”, so that suicide prevention efforts can evolve to reflect land-based and culturally appropriate approaches to healing.

Folks interested in taking the training in the future are encouraged to fill out our expression of interest form. In the meantime, visit N’alag̱a Consulting’s website to learn more about ɫokʷimas and the work of using culturally rooted tools for suicide prevention.

Navigating Complexity: Medical Assistance in Dying and Its Impact on Suicide Prevention

Posted August 15th, 2023 

Our core mission is to provide help and hope to individuals facing mental health crisis, including those struggling with thoughts of suicide. 

We acknowledge the complexity of mental health issues and the diverse perspectives surrounding Medical Assistance In Dying (MAiD) as an option for individuals in Canada. The Centre has not taken a position on the morality or ethical implications of MAiD; instead, we aim to support individuals with empathy, compassion, and understanding, meeting them where they are in their mental health and day-to-day struggles.

Eligibility for people to choose MAiD whose sole medical condition is mental illness is scheduled to begin on March 17, 2024, per the federal government’s timeline. The change to include mental illness as a sole criterion for accessing MAiD has brought attention to the intersections of mental health, suicide, self-determination, quality and access to mental health care, disability, poverty, and the meaning of life and suffering. None of these intersections are simple to navigate.

The kinds of calls we get related to MAiD tend to fall into four categories:

  • Callers considering applying to MAiD for a range of reasons related to physical or mental suffering: These individuals are not considering dying by suicide tonight. We hold a non-judgmental space for these callers to talk.
  • Callers concerned about a loved one considering MAiD or bereaved by the loss of a loved one through MAiD: We hold a non-judgemental place for these callers to talk.
  • Callers who have permission for MAiD and find knowing that option is there increases their sense of control in their lives and reduces their suffering enough to want to continue living: These callers often worry that if the MAiD option is taken away from them, their situation will be worse. We hold a non-judgemental place for these callers to talk.
  • Callers expressing strong opinions one way/another about the issue itself from a political, religious, moral or personal perspective: We hold space for these callers to share their thoughts and opinions with empathy and non-judgment. 
  • Callers who are in immediate suicidal crisis but are also considering MAiD: No matter what, MAiD will not happen tonight, but suicide might. We hold a non-judgemental place for these callers to talk. In addition, we work to help these callers stay safe from suicide.

Just as we believe talking about suicide does not cause suicide, we believe talking about MAiD does not cause someone to decide to pursue MAiD. Instead, talking through why we decide to live and why we might want to die is exactly what crisis centres are prepared to offer those who reach out to us.

We encourage dialogue and mutual understanding. We recognize that the topic of MAiD is deeply personal and can evoke strong emotions. We aim to create a supportive environment through active listening and open conversation where individuals can express their thoughts and experiences without judgment.

In our Crisis Responder training, we have added MAiD-related training modules and engage in deep conversation to ensure crisis line responders are equipped to meet people where they are within the scope of service provision. We do not include a caller’s questions, interest, or desire to talk about MAiD as a part of any assessment of suicide risk. MAiD and suicide are not the same thing; we are committed to keeping people safe from dying by suicide, while acknowledging their ambivalence towards living and dying.

In our Community Learning and Engagement programs, we have experienced participants actively discussing MAiD related to suicide, especially in our Applied Suicide and Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) program. These conversations reflect the complexities individuals face navigating mental health and suicide and how they intersect with end-of-life decisions. We value the openness of these discussions and actively listen to the concerns and perspectives shared by our community members.

Our commitment to suicide prevention remains steadfast. We will continue to adapt and respond to the evolving needs of our community, understanding that every person’s journey is unique. We need to remain informed, compassionate, and sensitive to the complexities surrounding mental health, suicide, and end-of-life decisions.

As we move forward, we encourage everyone to respect one another’s perspectives and recognize that discussions surrounding MAiD can be challenging for many. We aim to foster a safe and supportive community where individuals can find hope and strength in times of struggle. Together, we can create a space where open dialogue is embraced and those who need support are met with compassion and understanding.

At the Centre, we remain dedicated to supporting our community in the best way possible and committed to providing help, hope, and healing to those in need. 


BC Ministry of Health

Vancouver Coastal Health

Government of Canada

Helping To Improve Crisis Care and Suicide Prevention for Veterans

Posted August 15th, 2023 by lina Moskaleva and Effie Pow 

A high rate of suicide among Canadian veterans has been a distressing, decades-long reality. The 2019 Veteran Suicide Mortality Study revealed that the risk of suicide for veterans has remained consistently higher than that of the general public over a 39-year period, with the risk being 1.4 times higher for male and 1.9 times higher for female veterans.

With the support of Veterans Affairs Canada, the Crisis Centre of BC is contributing to the network of care available to veterans. The $60,000 grant from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will go towards the Crisis Care Continuum for Veterans project that will deliver suicide awareness and prevention training for veterans and those who support them in their communities. The Crisis Centre is one of five BC projects that will be funded.

Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, made the funding announcement on August 10, 2023 at the Legion Veterans Village in Surrey with Surrey-Centre MP Randeep Sarai.

“Caring for our mental health is crucial, and I am pleased to support the impactful projects these devoted groups are undertaking here in British Columbia through the Veteran and Family Well-being Fund,” said Taylor in the Veterans Affairs Canada news release. “Veterans and first responders have unique needs and that means we need to work together in providing care, treating PTSD, mental health problems and other medical needs.”

The Crisis Centre will collaborate with the Royal Canadian Legion/BC Yukon Command and other community partners to ensure staff and volunteers are trained, including the 125 veteran Branch Service Offers who assist veterans at Legion branches. Training peers increases skills and provides intergenerational learning to serve diverse veteran populations better. Convening community members and partners through training will help to improve the continuum of mental health crisis care for veterans.

“We know that veterans are at risk and we are pleased to provide a variety of opportunities for those supporting veterans to gain additional skills and tools to care for the community,” said Lu Ripley, Director of Community Learning and Engagement.

The training will include:  

  • Skillfully Responding to Distress, online training in de-escalation; 
  • Customized online suicide response training for those who are unable to attend in person
  • safeTALK, a half-day training in being suicide alert
  • Advanced skills offered in Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), a two-day certified evidenced-based training, is planned for those directly supporting veterans in their roles. 

As well, to build wellness and resilience, community members and service providers will have access to the Crisis Centre’s on-demand wellness modules.  

Thank you to Veterans Affairs Canada for the project grant to support suicide awareness and prevention training for veterans and their families. 

Visit our website to learn more and register for our training programs and workshops.

The Crisis Centre of BC is committed to supporting people during times of crisis. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please reach out:

  • Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789 (no area code required)
  • Anywhere in BC 1800SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433

BC Crisis Line Network Submits Recommendations for the 2024 Federal Budget

Posted August 14th, 2023 by Lina Moskaleva 

Toward Suicide-Safer Communities: BC Crisis Line Network’s Recommendations to the Federal Government

In Canada, suicide is the 9th leading cause of death overall and 2nd leading cause of death for young adults. Effective suicide prevention requires looking at more than mental health because suicide stems from crisis, and crisis has many beginnings. Canadians need 24/7 access to crisis care that meets people where they are, provides culturally-safe socioeconomic and mental health support without relying on police and coercive psychiatric interventions, and continues care until the person in crisis is back in control of their lives.

Continuing the work toward creating an effective and compassionate mental health crisis services system, the BC Crisis Line Network has submitted three recommendations to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance for the Pre-Budget Consultations in advance of the 2024 Federal Budget. These recommendations aim to reshape and bolster mental health crisis services nationwide and pave the way for a robust national suicide prevention framework.

“Our recommendations represent a transformative approach to addressing mental health crises in our communities,” says Stacy Ashton, chair of the BC Crisis Line Network. “By working together, across different levels of governments and partner agencies, we can create a stronger foundation for individuals in crisis and prevent tragedies.”

  • Recommendation 1: That the government disentangles entrenched police forces from mental health crisis services by appropriately funding pathways to alternative non-police response programs, including pathways from 9-1-1 and 9-8-8 to local crisis lines and community-based mobile crisis response teams, and reviewing federal policy and legislation that perpetuate reliance on police as mental health first responders.
  • Recommendation 2: That the government create a permanent annual Canada Mental Health and Substance Use Health Transfer equivalent to 6% of provincial/territorial health care spending ($2.65B) going to community based mental health services, including local crisis lines, and a mental health crisis response system nested in a robust health and social safety net.
  • Recommendation 3: That the government provide funding to update the Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention as per the 11 recommendations made by the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology in the “Doing What Works: Rethinking the Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention” report. 

The Federal Government has the power to make significant investments into coordinated systems of care that are flexible, cost-effective, and community-based to ensure that every Canadian experiencing a crisis can receive the care they need to get back on their feet. The BC Crisis Line Network’s recommendations represent a rallying cry for change and a forward-thinking approach that will transform our systems of care through compassion and collaboration.

If you or someone you know is in crisis or considering suicide, please reach out:

  • Anywhere in BC 1800SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433
  • Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789 (no area code required)

About the BC Crisis Line Network

The BC Crisis Line Network comprises ten regional crisis centres across British Columbia, collectively answering the 1800SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) and 310Mental Health Support (310-6789) phone lines. Most of our centres also answer the current national suicide prevention line and are preparing to continuing to answer as it transitions to 9-8-8.

​The BC Crisis Line Network operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide lifesaving crisis intervention, suicide risk assessment, and strengths-based collaborative safety planning and follow-up to vulnerable British Columbians. We safely de-escalate 98% of crisis calls in BC through compassionate listening, trauma-informed safety plans, and follow-up support.

Study Finds Mental Health Challenges Among Legal Professionals, Law Firm Commits to Helping

Posted May 29th, 2023 by Lina Moskaleva & Effie Pow

The legal profession can be a highly demanding and stressful field, with many professionals experiencing burnout, anxiety, and depression. Roper Greyell, one of the largest employment and labour law firms in Western Canada, is leading the charge in prioritizing the mental health and well-being of legal professionals. 

In a time when over a third of employed Canadians are experiencing burnout (source) and legal professionals are suffering from high levels of psychological distress, depression, anxiety, burnout and suicidal ideation (source), Roper Greyell is taking action.

The 2022 National Study on the Psychological Health Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada suggests that stress, depression, and substance use are prevalent in the legal profession. Key findings include:

  • 24% of legal professionals have had thoughts of suicide since starting their legal practice; in comparison 11.8% of the Canadian population have had suicidal thoughts (Government of Canada, 2020)
  • 28.6% of legal professionals had a major depressive disorder compared to 15% of the general population between September to December 2020 (Statistics Canada, 2021)
  • 35.7% of legal professionals indicated generalized anxiety disorder compared to 13% for the general population between September to December 2020 (Statistics Canada, 2021)

Groups with the highest proportions of psychological distress were found to be legal professionals who identified as women, were living with a disability, identified as LGBTQ2S+, were working in Nunavut, or those who were articling students.

Roper Greyell’s commitment to supporting mental health was demonstrated by their 2022 holiday season donation of $10,000 to the Crisis Centre of BC. In February 2023, members of the Roper Greyell team visited the Centre and witnessed firsthand the incredible impact the organization has on the community.

Partner and head of their Equity Diversity and Inclusion committee, Sandra Guarascio, reflected on the visit, stating, “Walking through the hallway of recognition where volunteers who had generously dedicated thousands of hours of time were honoured, we were struck by the incredible difference this organization makes at a time when supports for mental health are increasingly in demand.”

The law firm’s generosity and unwavering commitment to mental health serve as a shining example for all organizations. Thank you, Roper Greyell, for championing legal professionals’ well-being and positively impacting your community.

The Crisis Centre of BC is committed to supporting people in need of support during times of crisis. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please reach out:

  • Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789 (no area code required)
  • Anywhere in BC 1800SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433

Help Make An Impact

Join us in responding to the mental health crisis and in fostering compassionate, connected, suicide-safer communities.

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Our Impact The topic and word "suicide" is not so scary after taking a training from the Crisis Centre of BC. I'm grateful to have been here today, and am hopeful that I can help people in the future. safeTALK participant, Agassiz